Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Day 1 of Filming

 Alright, day #1 of filming! Just like we planned out, Nico and I went to the gym straight after school to record footage. The gym was pretty empty, so we could use different areas and machines without impeding on anyone's personal space. Here's a step by step on how everything went down: 

  1. We arrived at the gym at about 1:30 PM. No problems here, apart from leaving a water bottle and the wireless mics in the car, leading to a (somewhat shameful) walk back or two.
  2. We captured footage at the gym, making sure to overshoot. 
    This day of filming went by pretty smoothly, apart from some major hitches. Nico wasn't dressed in the proper clothing for the gym, so we weren't able to film any of Ryan's interactions with his gym buddy. Additionally, we didn't have the flyer advertising the powerlifting meet prepared. While we still got some shots in, we will have to spend another day filming at the gym. If there's anything this session taught me, it's that I should definitely put more effort into planning. Keeping a checklist to make sure everything is on pace is the way to go.

Short blog post for today, but here's a silly video from the gym:

Not my best appearance, but it was still fun to record nonetheless. Tune in next time!

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