Monday, March 3, 2025

Finishing the Study

Alright, as I mentioned previously, the study room was practically finished, apart from some diagrams and sketches to show Ryan's work research as a med student. I had two major goals: showing his obsession with his research, and hinting towards his condition.

My first plan of action was sketching out a few diagrams of the muscles, with intentionally rigid and sloppy linework to drive home that sense of obsession. Here's how it turned out!

This was a step in the right direction. It showed some of his research as a medical student, but it didn't scream obsession to me. There wasn't enough clutter or chaos to really portray what I had in mind. So I went back to the drawing (haha) board. To really spice up the setting, I decided to use different types of paper. On top of that, I needed more diagrams. Way more. I started using sticky notes, printer paper, lined paper, and pages from my brother's old journal (sorry!). Here's the finished product:

THIS is more like it. The larger papers show the less detailed diagrams, focusing on the overall shape and appearance of the human body, while the smaller papers from the journal go into detail about different muscles. Lastly, the sticky notes are used to show Ryan's own personal thoughts, gauging how much more research he needs to carry out on certain groups. I think the system to each paper helps show that Ryan has a method to his madness, and isn't entirely crazy.

This process took way longer than expected. On top of that, I sort of procrastinated this part of the set, and that really came back to bite me. Having said that, I think it turned out pretty good!

That's all for now, tune in next time!

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