Thursday, February 13, 2025

Group Meeting #1

Today, our class divided into groups, meeting up to discuss our plans for our film openings. Each of us pitched ideas, providing each other with feedback and criticism. This was a great opportunity for me, since I felt my plot/story needed some extra development. 

I was stumped looking for better ways to develop my character without explicitly stating or portraying his traits. One of my classmates, Tiziana, suggested the library as a film location, showing his dedication towards studying as a medical student. I thought this was a great idea, which also provided more filming locations to spice up the opening.

Another piece of advice that stuck with me wasn't actually directed towards my opening, but rather one of my peers'. She's planning on filming the opening to a period drama set in the 1800s, using dresses for her costume design. This posed the question, how could I use clothing to develop characters in my film? Ryan, my protagonist, is shown living a repetitive, monotonous life. I think this could be better conveyed through darker and simplistic outfits; grey/black t-shirts and sweatpants, hoodies, etc.

While I'm still figuring out the specifics in my film opening, I think this group meeting was a huge step in the right direction. Getting the perspective from my other classmates was super helpful, and I'm looking forward to regrouping and discussing our openings again.

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