Friday, February 14, 2025

Todorov's Narrative Theory of Equilibrium

 Today we will be discussing (as the title suggests) Todorov's Narrative Theory of Equilibrium, which I am looking to incorporate into my film opening's story. 

    Todorov's theory suggests every story is divided into parts, with "a clear beginning, middle and end" (BBC, 2022). This is very similar to the 'hero's journey' structure seen in many narratives. The three sections of the story I want to focus on are:

  1. Equilibrium
    1. This is the opening of the story, in which the conflict is yet to be introduced. Both the setting and characters are established, with little momentum to the story itself. Think of the start of Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring," in which Frodo lives peacefully in the Shire 

  2. Disequilibrium
    1. This is the point in which the primary conflict is introduced, offsetting the balance of the protagonist's everyday life and setting the 'adventure' of the story in motion. If we're using the LOTR analogy again, this would be the quest to destroy the One Ring. 
  3. New Equilibrium 
    1. In the 'hero's journey,' this would be referred to as the resolution of the story. The primary conflict has been addressed, and the protagonist's life can return to an equilibrium. If the disequilibrium was Frodo's quest, the new equilibrium would be life after the ring has been destroyed.

Within the context of my own film opening, the equilibrium would be life prior to Ryan (the protagonist) finding the powerlifting flyer. This equilibrium would not resemble the tranquility of the Shire, however; Ryan's previous life is mundane and repetitive, dictated by his disease. The disequilibrium (the powerlifting meet) would be Ryan's opportunity to look at weightlifting in a positive light, finding a community and finally stopping DD from restraining him. Once he competes, his narrative can reach a new equilibrium, one much happier than his previous circumstances. 

    While Todorov's theory is not overly nuanced or specific, identifying the key shifts in my own narrative can play a major role in pacing the overall story. The film opening will only take place during equilibrium, with the ending hinting towards the disequilibrium. As the theory suggests, the opening will mainly focus on introducing the characters and setting.
    That's all for now, tune into the next post!


1. BBC. (2022, December 14). Traditional narrative theory - what is narrative? - GCSE media studies revision - BBC bitesize. BBC News.

2. Miyamoto, K. (2019, November 4). The hero’s journey breakdown: The lord of the Rings. The Script Lab. 

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